Saturday, October 14, 2017

Geoffrey Hinton: What is wrong with convolutional neural nets?

Copernicus Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (Centrum Kopernika BadaƄ...

Sir Roger Penrose - 'Einstein's Amazing Theory of Gravity: Black Holes a...

Sir Roger Penrose: What We All Need to Know About Physics

John Searle: "Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence" | Talks at Google

Andrew Ng: Artificial Intelligence is the New Electricity

11. Introduction to Machine Learning

Lecture 1 | Machine Learning (Stanford)

10/27 Live Stream Stephen Hawking at Oxford

Billionaire James Simons: Conquering Wall Street with Mathematics

The mathematician who cracked Wall Street | Jim Simons

Exploratory Lines on Math and STEM

Exploratory Lines on Math and STEM